Thursday, January 9, 2020

How Strategic Group Formation Can Be Applied in Real Life Free Essay Example, 1250 words

Strategic group formation is equally a crucial aspect of strategic group formation. It entails the application of group dynamics when coming up with suitable modalities that will guide the operational processes within an organization. While working in the hotel industry, several groups are formed based on the need to accomplish specific objectives. The initial step entails the identification of strategic resources that would facilitate the diverse groups to meet their objectives. This usually falls under sequential analysis. After the identification of strategic resources, the concerned organization should formulate a managerial team that would identify the persons with the appropriate qualifications that would propel the organization towards the required growth levels. It is clear that failure to choose the right professional will strain the organization in its quest to attain objectives. The power ranking is applicable in the hotel industry by acknowledging. It entails strictly th e following protocol and respecting hierarchy within a group. It is improper for a group to lack power structures because they enhance growth, and allow personnel to focus on organizational objectives. It is crucial to identify networks, and coalitions within groups as apparent in the hotel (Evers ND). We will write a custom essay sample on How Strategic Group Formation Can Be Applied in Real Life or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This empowers individuals to avoid conflicts, and act within the stipulated arrangements. This enhances balances that foster understanding and growth. Additionally, it sets the stage for sequential analysis and adaption of appropriate strategies. I liked it that hotels can use the strategic analysis process to determine needs and dissatisfactions of employees. Secondly, managers can take precise steps to connect returns to individual performance. One mode of ensuring that employees see this connection is publicizing the manner of making pay decisions. Lastly, managers can authorize employees to make informed decisions, if the organization wants them to believe that their hard work will result in optimal performance.

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