Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Leadership Detailed Overview Leadership Essay

A Leadership Detailed Overview Leadership Essay Leadership had been started from many century. There are so many person who are known because of there leadership. I have read many articles on leadership and also had read the life history of many popular leaders so I came to know that leadership is the capability and skill of an individual to make other to do to achieve the common goal. Good leadership always ends with the good result and satisfaction. There are so many leader who didnt have any quality to be the leader in their childhood but slowly and gradually they grew the leadership skill in them so, we also can say that leadership quality are not inborn it comes through experience, training, hard work and above all strong desire and will power. A good leader not only led the team but also influence other to be like him. He must have the vision and the drive to see it through. Leadership is mainly consist of four factors they are briefly discussed below: Leader: There should be good, trustworthy, honest, understanding leader for leadership. He should have knowledge what they are doing, How that should be done, and for whom that is being done. He must have confidence on himself and thrust on the team. Followers: Leader without followers cannot be imagining. Followers follow as per the leaders orders. Communication: If there is no communication is not there than its impossible to tell what leader wants. Communication also helps to build the good relation between him and his follower. Situation: Each situation is different than another. He should be able to decide in which situation require which leadership. Leadership style varies from situation, follower and assigned task. For example, a new follower requires more supervision than the old one. He should also know his follower nature, their needs, emotion etc. All the leadership are based on following principle Be technically proficient   Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions   Make sound and timely decisions   Set the example   Know your people and look out for their well-being   Keep your workers informed   Develop a sense of responsibility in your workers   Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished   Train as a team   Use the full capabilities of your organization   The leadership instinct you are born with is the backbone. You develop the funny bone and the wishbone that go with it. Elaine Agather To be the good leader is not easy. Strong determination, hardworking and some of the following keys can help to be the good leader: Humble and positive : A leader must be humble and polite. There is certain way to get job done through the team member. A harsh and strict manner of leader can demotivate his follower and can decrease their interest level of working though they finish their assigned task but they may not want to work with him again. He should also have positive attitude towards everyone. He should think positive be positive and do positive. Effective communication: Leader should be able to communicate his ideas and knowledge among the follower. There should be no misunderstanding and dilemma among the follower regarding the work assigned to them so, he should be able to communicate effectively. Confident and trustworthy: leader should be confident enough to say what he wants and how he want. He should be able to confidently present himself among the team member because the entire employee wants the guidance from the confident leader. He should also be trustworthy. He should be able to win the trust of his follower. Motivation: He should be able to motivate other to their assigned work. Every one are motivated in different way so he should know that which way is best for whom. Some are motivated from negative motivation and some are with positive so he should understand every one and take the right decision. Self-Esteem: Underlying everything, is a high sense of ones own self-worth. Without that, individuals will never undertake tough challenges. If one does not have it, its important to  develop self-esteem. A leader must have self esteem. Goal Orientation: A leader must e goal oriented. Every work what he does should be goal focus. For many, leadership characteristics of being focus on a goal can be difficult but a good leader always focuses on what he wants and how he wants. His every step is towards his goal. Courage: Many professors talk about entrepreneurs as risks takers. But this leadership characteristic is like saying snow is cold-its accurate but missing something. Another way is to say the same thing is that one must have guts. It requires a great deal of courage to build a company from the ground up. Tolerance of uncertain risk: A leader should have tolerant ability of uncertain risk or misshapen. There can occur uncertain risk in the future the leader should not run rather handle the situation and tolerate it. Being the leader is not small task you should have brilliant tolerant ability also. Dont tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results. George S. Patton Everyone is not leader it is the fact everyone should accept it. You must have some leadership skill also to: Lead by leader: One of the best ways to lead is by example pitching in where needed, lending a helping hand and assuring that everything is done. Passion: A leader without passion is not the leader. be organized: A good leader should be well organized. Delegate: A leader cannot do anything alone so he should also delegate his power among the well deserved person. Great Listener.  A huge part of being a great communicator is being a great listener. Know your people: You should be able to now the nature of people because different people have different in nature. Be follower: all the great leaders are follower too so you leader can follow other good leader. The above mention skill and character I found and I am on them highly inspired by the Rob Fyfe and Alan Bollard. I feel that they have all the quality to be the leader and they are inspiring leader of this generation though they face unsuccessful some time. At first I want to talk about Rob Fyfe. Rob Fyfe: He was born on 6 May 1961and now he is a current Chief Executive Officer of New Zealand national airline Air New Zealand. He was born in New Zealand and graduated with Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) honors from the University of Canterbury in 1982. He currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand. He was previously General Manager of the Bank of New Zealand, Chief Operating Officer of ITV Digital (which went into bankruptcy while he was at the helm) and group general manager of Air New Zealand. Fyfe has been with the company since 2003. The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it. Theodore Roosevelt I consider him a good leader because airline is going through the many difficulties like high fuel price, increased competition, global economy crash down etc. Fyfe, now into his fourth year at the top, he took stand in each difficult situation and each situation. He is the quick mover in charge. He was up front and available immediately after the crash of his one airplane, responding with an openness that is characteristic of his dealings with staff and passengers. He has given the high priority to the innovation in the company as a result Air New Zealand recently made the worlds first flight using a sustainable bio fuel. It also attempted sending a rocket into space. He listen to the every ideas of the employee and they has an interesting programme called Test Flight where employees share ideas to the executive team if the idea is chosen the person can work in the project and he also can have share in the profit. While mass layoffs have been a feature of other airlines response to the crises facing aviation, Air New Zealand has avoided this around 200 of 11,000 staff will go early next year. His positive nature an can do attitude was always seen in his leadership. He says We operate this airline in a New Zealand way were not trying to emulate a Singapore Airlines or emulate a McDonalds. Were trying to go out there day in and day out and trying to be authentic Kiwis and give people a real genuine New Zealand experience. He never stop working in his product and improvising it. Due to his leadership and his dedication made Air New Zealand Airline of the Year by the Air Transport World Magazine. My other inspirational leader is Alan Bollard. This year has been really difficult and challenging due to economic crisis but the man tasked with maintaining that structure in these difficult times is the Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard. Alan Bollard  born on 1951 in  Auckland is the current governor of the  Reserve Bank of New Zealand, having been appointed on 23 September 2002. He succeeded  Donald Brash  in this role. His earlier public service included four years as Secretary to the  Treasury, and time as head of the  Commerce Commission. He headed the  New Zealand Institute of Economic Research  (1987-1994) and has edited or written at least three books about economic reform in  New Zealand. He gained a PhD in Economics from the  University of Auckland  in 1977 and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws by the same university in 2007. Bollard has had to face with the steepest commodity price rise and then with the global financial crisis since the great depression. But he has not been afraid of recession. He had confident on himself and on what he was doing. He always says that bank are silence army always prepare themselves foe the uncertain future so he was always ready to face what comes on future. He says that we should be worry about what comes in next year though we can learn from the previous year and should never do such mistake again. He was future oriented. He follows the Integrity (being professional and exercising), Innovation (actively improving what we do) and inclusion (working together for a more effective bank. The very essence of leadership is its purpose. And the purpose of leadership is to accomplish a task. That is what leadership does-and what it does is more important than what it is or how it works. Colonel Dandridge M. Malone He always tries toinnovate new for the more effective being professional. His leadership was so good that he got credit from the Westpac chief Brendan ODonovan for not being afraid of engineering a recession when curbing inflation and other excesses requires. he was able to lead the bank successfully so that he won the Heralds 2008 New Zealand Business Man of the Year. Its easy to be the leader but hard to be the good leader. Both business leader have so many similar qualities which made them a good business leader. Both leader believes on their work. They were future oriented and goal oriented thought they are from different field of business, one is of airlines and other is bank. They faced many challenges (recession, commodities price high etc.)but they never back out from the situation. They always thought about the employees and their benefit also. They didnt became leader from less effort they give their heart to it so that they are her tasting the fruit of success. They mainly follow: Be good Know your role Take responsibilities Take risk Decision on right time Innovation of ideas Participation of employees Know your strength and weakness Accept the change Find your unique selling point Dont give up So they can be taken as the good example of leader and can learn many thing from their life. There are less leader who became the leader overnight but you need long hard work and determination to be the good leader. There are many leader in the history who agve their life being leader. Every country have the story of leader who gave their life saving the country. Leader are in every field other than business also. Leadership quality is not in born it shoul be acquire with strong willpower, determination and hard work. You should know that everyone cannot be the leader and leader are Leadership is understanding people and involving them to help you do a job. That takes all of the good characteristics, like integrity, dedication of purpose, selflessness, knowledge, skill, implacability, as well as determination not to accept failure. Admiral Arleigh A. Burke also once the follower of some other leader. Leadership can be inside of you also you just need to find that and work on it. Who knows you can be also the successful leader of the future. There can be success waitng you far away just know your character and skill.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Boys&Girls Club

The Boys & Girls Club has opened my eyes to many opportunities. This is a safe place where parents can drop off their children or child when they have to go to work. Every day after school I go the Boys & Girls and I have so many things I could do. Such as playing sports in the gym, and even swim in the indoor swimming pool. The Boys &Girls club has a teen center where I always have someone to talk to like friends, counselors, even staff members.I have been a member of the Boys & Girls club since the third grade. I used to like coming to the club but now I love it even more. The club is where I can study and do my homework. I have many interests I’m involved with such as the torch club, mentoring, and previously in apprentice. These activities help me get involved with the community as I grow up. For example the torch club helps me keep the earth clean by recycling, helping the elderly, and giving food and other items needed by people.The mentoring program helps me improve my learning skills for any subject. They help with homework, tests, quizzes, and have fun with you like a best friend. The club means a lot to me as you can see and I’m pretty sure other kids think the same way. I think I am very lucky to be part of the club. I will always keep the club in my heart because their like my second family. I have been a member for 5 years and I think this place is sweet. The club is a great place to be. That’s what the Boys & Girls club means to me.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

How Strategic Group Formation Can Be Applied in Real Life Free Essay Example, 1250 words

Strategic group formation is equally a crucial aspect of strategic group formation. It entails the application of group dynamics when coming up with suitable modalities that will guide the operational processes within an organization. While working in the hotel industry, several groups are formed based on the need to accomplish specific objectives. The initial step entails the identification of strategic resources that would facilitate the diverse groups to meet their objectives. This usually falls under sequential analysis. After the identification of strategic resources, the concerned organization should formulate a managerial team that would identify the persons with the appropriate qualifications that would propel the organization towards the required growth levels. It is clear that failure to choose the right professional will strain the organization in its quest to attain objectives. The power ranking is applicable in the hotel industry by acknowledging. It entails strictly th e following protocol and respecting hierarchy within a group. It is improper for a group to lack power structures because they enhance growth, and allow personnel to focus on organizational objectives. It is crucial to identify networks, and coalitions within groups as apparent in the hotel (Evers ND). We will write a custom essay sample on How Strategic Group Formation Can Be Applied in Real Life or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This empowers individuals to avoid conflicts, and act within the stipulated arrangements. This enhances balances that foster understanding and growth. Additionally, it sets the stage for sequential analysis and adaption of appropriate strategies. I liked it that hotels can use the strategic analysis process to determine needs and dissatisfactions of employees. Secondly, managers can take precise steps to connect returns to individual performance. One mode of ensuring that employees see this connection is publicizing the manner of making pay decisions. Lastly, managers can authorize employees to make informed decisions, if the organization wants them to believe that their hard work will result in optimal performance.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How the Great Depression Altered US Foreign Policy

As Americans suffered through the Great Depression of the 1930s, the financial crisis influenced U.S. foreign policy in ways that pulled the nation even deeper into a period of isolationism. While the exact causes of the Great Depression are debated to this day, the initial factor was World War I. The bloody conflict shocked the global financial system and altered the worldwide balance of political and economic power. The nations involved in World War I had been forced to suspend their use of the gold standard, long the determining factor in setting international currency exchange rates, in order to recover from their staggering war costs. Attempts by the U.S., Japan, and the European nations to re-instate the gold standard during the early 1920s left their economies without the flexibility they would be needed to cope with the financial hard times that would come in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Along with the great U.S. stock market crash of 1929, economic difficulties in Great Britain, France, and Germany coincided to create a global â€Å"perfect storm† of financial crises. Attempts by those nations and Japan to hold on to the gold standard only worked to fuel the storm and hasten the onset of a global depression. Depression Goes Global With no coordinated international system of dealing with a worldwide depression in place, the governments and financial institutions of the individual nations turned inward. Great Britain, unable to continue in its long-held role as the mainstay and chief ​money lender of the international financial system, became the first nation to permanently abandon the gold standard in 1931. Preoccupied with its own Great Depression, the United States was unable to step in for Great Britain as the world’s â€Å"creditor of last resort,† and permanently dropped the gold standard in 1933. Determined to resolve the global depression, leaders of the world’s largest economies convened the London Economic Conference of 1933. Unfortunately, no major agreements came out of the event and the great global depression persisted for the rest of the 1930s. Depression Leads to Isolationism In struggling with its own Great Depression, the United States sank its foreign policy even deeper into post-World War I stance of isolationism. As if the Great Depression was not enough, a series of world events that would result in World War II added to Americans’ desire for isolation. Japan seized most of China in 1931. At the same time, Germany was expanding its influence in Central and Eastern Europe, Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935. The United States, however, chose not to oppose any of these conquests. To a large degree, Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt were constrained from reacting to international events, no matter how potentially dangerous, by the demands of the public to deal exclusively with domestic policy, primarily bringing an end to the Great Depression. Having witnessed the horrors of World War I, Hoover, like most Americans, hoped to never see the United States involved in another world war. Between his election November 1928 and his inauguration in March 1929, he traveled to the nations of Latin America hoping to win their trust by promising that the U.S. would always honor their rights as independent nations. Indeed, in 1930, Hoover announced that his administration’s foreign policy would recognize the legitimacy  of the governments of all Latin American countries, even those whose governments did not conform to American ideals of democracy. Hoover’s policy was a reversal of President Theodore Roosevelt’s policy of using force if necessary to influence the actions of Latin American governments. Having withdrawn American troops from Nicaragua and Haiti, Hoover proceeded to avoid U.S. intervention in some 50 Latin American revolutions, many of which resulted in the establishment of anti-American governments. As a result, America’s diplomatic relations with the Latin American warmed during the Hoover presidency. Under the 1933 Good Neighbor Policy of President Franklin Roosevelt, the United States reduced its military presence in Central and South America. The move greatly improved U.S. relations with Latin America, while making more money available for depression-fighting initiatives at home. Indeed, throughout the Hoover and Roosevelt administrations, the demand to rebuild the American economy and end rampant unemployment forced U.S. foreign policy onto the backmost burner †¦ at least for a while. The Fascist Effect While the mid-1930s saw the rise conquest of militaristic regimes in Germany, Japan, and Italy, the United States remained entrenched in isolation from foreign affairs as the federal government struggled with the Great Depression. Between 1935 and 1939, the U.S. Congress, over the objections of President Roosevelt, enacted a series of Neutrality Acts specifically intended to prevent the United States from taking any role of any nature in potential foreign wars. The lack of any significant U.S. response to the invasion of China by Japan in 1937 or the forced occupation of Czechoslovakia by Germany in 1938 encouraged the governments of Germany and Japan to expand the scope of their military conquests. Still, many U.S. leaders continued to believe the need to attend to its own domestic policy, mainly in the form of ending the Great Depression, justified a continued policy of isolationism. Other leaders, including President Roosevelt, believed that U.S. non-intervention simple allowed the theaters of war to grow ever-closer to America. As late as 1940, however, keeping the U.S. out of foreign wars had widespread support from the American people, including high-profile celebrities like record-setting aviator Charles Lindbergh. With Lindbergh as its chairman, the 800,000-member-strong America First Committee lobbied Congress to oppose President Roosevelt’s attempts to provide war materials to England, France, the Soviet Union, and the other nations fighting the spread of fascism. When France finally fell to Germany in the summer of 1940, the U.S. government slowly started increasing its participation in the war against fascism. The Lend-Lease Act of 1941, initiated by President Roosevelt, allowed the president to transfer, at no cost, arms and other war materials to any â€Å"government of any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States.† Of course, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1942, thrust the United States fully into World War II and ended any pretense of American isolationism. Realizing that the nation’s isolationism had to some degree contributed to the horrors of World War II, U.S. policymakers once again began to emphasize the importance of foreign policy as a tool in preventing future global conflicts. Ironically, it was the positive economic impact of America’s participation in World War II, which had been long-delayed in part by the Great Depression that at last pulled the nation out of its longest economic nightmare.